Thursday 13 October 2016

Reflection 5 - How to Live a Healthy Life

* Actually this is my reflection 4, but teacher said must do a reflection about the activity of english language game. At the time, I had already finish this reflection, I think if  I delete this reflection it was so wasted , so this become my reflection 5 :)
          Everyone is talking about living a healthy life. However, very few actually practice the art of living healthy. Many of us believe, a healthy life implies looking good and feeling good. But, what does a healthy life really imply? Obviously, a healthy person is described as one, who does not smoke, does not drink in excess, has a healthy weight , eats healthy foods and exercise regularly. So, how many of us actually do all these things? In this day and age, it is not easy to commit to a healthy lifestyle.

          A healthy lifestyle may not be easy to commit to. Everyone has so much to do what with work and family and other obligations. However, the trick to staying commited to a healthy lifestyle every day is the first phrase of commitment. Avoiding extra serving of food, drinking an extra glass of water are just some things that can help make the road to a healthy life begin. However, there are so many more things that can be considered to ensure a healthy life.
          Obesity is a grave problem these days. Too many fast foods and too little exercise along with too much TV watching and computer game result in obesity. Everyone has an excuse to not exercise. They are either too busy or too ill or too fat to exercise. Exercise reduces the risk of heart diseases, diabetes, help maintain bone mass, enhances self-esteem, and reduces stress. Starting with a positive frame of mind and making the effort to make the time for movement – any form of movement – can ensure health. The fact is, sweating and strengthening the body are excellent, if there is time to do so. However, any form of movement, such as walking, doing chores and even gardening is considered exercise and this can be make a significant difference towards ensuring a healthy lifestyle.
           A healthy diet is essential for a healthy life. This does not mean eating only healthy foods. It means, keeping to a diet as much as possible. An occasional piece of cake or a chocolate will not make a difference to health. In fact, this is considered very healthy. Constant binging on sweets and fatty foods, however, is not so. A healthy diet not only helps improve a healthy lifestyle, but also helps maintain an ideal weight. Eating smaller portions, including more vegetables in a meal, switching to healthier salad dressings, and eating more fruits is the way to enter a healthy lifestyle through foods.

          A healthy lifestyle is important, whether in childhood or adulthood. Very few parents encourage their children to eat healthy foods and live healthy lives. This is what leads to childhood obesity. A healthy lifestyle is important to everyone irrespective of age. It is never too late to consider living a healthy life. A healthy lifestyle ensures a long and healthy life.

My Reflection
I thinked that a healthy lifestyle was very important for everyone. If we had a healthy lifestyle, then automatically we can had a healthy body.If we had a healthy body, we can do what we want anytime. People always said health is wealth, I totally argee with it. If we are million A, but we didn't had a healthy body, we also can't enjoy our life. In my opinion, money was not everything because we didn't have money we can earned it, but health is everything because if we didn't have a healthy body,our life was without meaning , so we must had a healthy lifestyle.




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  2. Thanks for your post. I’ve been thinking about writing a very comparable post over the last couple of weeks, I’ll probably keep it short and sweet and link to this instead if thats cool. Thanks. Health

  3. I heard people talking about health care manufacturing. So it seems to be quiet vital.
