Wednesday 12 October 2016

Reflection 2- Individual presentation : The importance of sleeping

Script of my individual  presentation :
          Nowadays, our life is so busy. We have many activities, many homework and many test in a day. Sometimes, because of many thing to do, we must sleep late at night. If we always sleep late at night, our health will be affect. Actually, sleeping plays an important role in good health and well - being throughout our life. Getting adequate sleep not only helps protect our mental health, but physically as well. In addition, to delivering a good performance in the day.

          In order to function efficiently, our brain has been working non-stop throughout the day. The only time our brain gets to rest is when we climb into ours beds and have a good night sleep. Thus, sleep is important as it helps prepare the brain to function properly for the next day, so we can learn and remember things more effectively.

          Sleep does not only give us the rest we need, but is also involved in healing and repairing our hearts and blood vessels. It is reported that ongoing sleep dificiency is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and so on. So be sure to sleep for at least 8 hours a day.

           People who are sleep deprived have proven to be less productive at work or school, as they must take longer to finish their task. Their reaction time will be slower and thus making more mistakes. That is why sleep is important in our lives, even if it's just a short nap, the difference might be bigger than we expected.

My Reflection
          Senior 2 only had one individual presentation. Teacher let us chose whatever topic we wanted for this presentation. Because of this presentation, I found many different topic through google search , finally I decided ' The importance of sleeping ' as my presentation topic. I will choose it as my presentation topic because I thinked this topic is suitable for me. I was a person who always sleep late at night, so I thinked this topic is very important for me. Through searching the information and  after presenting, I was very shocked because I only realized that sleeping was so important for us. I also very scared because I realized that  always sleep late at night will brought so many negatif effects for us. After this presentation, I told to myself I must sleep early everyday , cannot always  sleep late at night like before.  This presentation let me learnt how to be confident when presenting  and also let me gain many knowledge about the important of sleeping.
                                Some quotes about sleeping:
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