Friday 14 October 2016

Reflection 4 - English Language game

          Last month , teacher had organized the english language game for our class ,S2 Paris , to let us revision for the vocabulary of exam and learn new vocabulary. Besides that, also let us had a experience to be a teacher for a day.At the first day, teacher intrusted us to be four person in a group.My group members was Sze Lin, Yu Xin and Yen Ting. Then, teacher telled us to create a game which can learn vocabulary . After discussed with my group members, we decided a game called " Continue - ing". This game was you must take the marker pen as fast as possible and continue - ing the word we had gave as much as possible in 30 seconds. The group that got the highest marks will be the winner. The aim we created this game was wanted to let student learnt vocabulary in this game.
          Teacher used like two weeks to let us played english language game. I very liked this activity because  this activity not only can learnt many vocabulary , but also can had a lot of fun. This two weeks when I was going to english class, I felt very excited everyday because can played games and had fun with friends, not only sitting and listened to teacher teaching.I thinked that all of the english language game that created by different group, all was so creative and  so surprised. We can had fun together while learning without care about our image, this feeling was so fantastic!Teacher also can participated in the game , the feeling like teacher also our friends. What I mostly impressed was when teacher danced the PPAP, it was very funny. :)
          Furthermore, we also had a chance  to experience be a teacher for a day, the feeling was so nice!Through this day, I realized that be a teacher was not easy, beacause one teacher must faced so many students. The big problem that I facted when be a teacher for a day was it was very difficult to handle a class, especially the volume of the students. But it was a very good experience for me because can have a chance be a teacher.
          Conclusion, I very like this activity, it not only can have a lot of fun , but also can learn many things, like teamwork and vocabulary. I hope that next time can be more this kind of activity, not only listened to teacher teaching.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Reflction 3 - Food and fun fair

          This was the first time  I participated on Hin Hua Food & Fun Fair. I not really enjoyed in this activity, because it was very hot and very tired . On that day , the people were like "people mountain people sea".Actually my turned to help my stalk was 9am, but because the stalk was full of people and I can't go in, so finally I changed the time to 11:30am.
          That day I also didn't  buy many things, I only buy 2 cups of drinks and a food. The drinks and food not really good tastes at all.After buying food and drinks and playing some games with my friends , I still left about 20 ringgit coupon, so I donated it to our class.
         Our class is food stalk, we selled many types of food ,example hotdog, nugget, nasi lemak and more.Our stalk was full of people at that day .Our teacher and student made many effort to sell out all the food. But sadly, our selling price didn't reach the target that teacher wanted. Our teacher was very disappointed about it. We also scolded by teacher.
          Although we didn't reach the target, but we had made many effort in this Food & Fun Fair,i think this is enough.Although I not really enjoyed in this Food & Fun Fair,but I was very happy I can have this kind of activity in my secondary life.The most important is this activity let our class be more cooperated and let us had a sweet memory in our senior 2 life.
          After the Food and Fun Fair, we also had the tea party at friend house. We enjoyed a lot at the tea party.It also let our relationship be more closer. This is the day that had a lot of fun and that had created many sweet memories for S2ACW.
Picture of Food & Fun Fair


Reflection 5 - How to Live a Healthy Life

* Actually this is my reflection 4, but teacher said must do a reflection about the activity of english language game. At the time, I had already finish this reflection, I think if  I delete this reflection it was so wasted , so this become my reflection 5 :)
          Everyone is talking about living a healthy life. However, very few actually practice the art of living healthy. Many of us believe, a healthy life implies looking good and feeling good. But, what does a healthy life really imply? Obviously, a healthy person is described as one, who does not smoke, does not drink in excess, has a healthy weight , eats healthy foods and exercise regularly. So, how many of us actually do all these things? In this day and age, it is not easy to commit to a healthy lifestyle.

          A healthy lifestyle may not be easy to commit to. Everyone has so much to do what with work and family and other obligations. However, the trick to staying commited to a healthy lifestyle every day is the first phrase of commitment. Avoiding extra serving of food, drinking an extra glass of water are just some things that can help make the road to a healthy life begin. However, there are so many more things that can be considered to ensure a healthy life.
          Obesity is a grave problem these days. Too many fast foods and too little exercise along with too much TV watching and computer game result in obesity. Everyone has an excuse to not exercise. They are either too busy or too ill or too fat to exercise. Exercise reduces the risk of heart diseases, diabetes, help maintain bone mass, enhances self-esteem, and reduces stress. Starting with a positive frame of mind and making the effort to make the time for movement – any form of movement – can ensure health. The fact is, sweating and strengthening the body are excellent, if there is time to do so. However, any form of movement, such as walking, doing chores and even gardening is considered exercise and this can be make a significant difference towards ensuring a healthy lifestyle.
           A healthy diet is essential for a healthy life. This does not mean eating only healthy foods. It means, keeping to a diet as much as possible. An occasional piece of cake or a chocolate will not make a difference to health. In fact, this is considered very healthy. Constant binging on sweets and fatty foods, however, is not so. A healthy diet not only helps improve a healthy lifestyle, but also helps maintain an ideal weight. Eating smaller portions, including more vegetables in a meal, switching to healthier salad dressings, and eating more fruits is the way to enter a healthy lifestyle through foods.

          A healthy lifestyle is important, whether in childhood or adulthood. Very few parents encourage their children to eat healthy foods and live healthy lives. This is what leads to childhood obesity. A healthy lifestyle is important to everyone irrespective of age. It is never too late to consider living a healthy life. A healthy lifestyle ensures a long and healthy life.

My Reflection
I thinked that a healthy lifestyle was very important for everyone. If we had a healthy lifestyle, then automatically we can had a healthy body.If we had a healthy body, we can do what we want anytime. People always said health is wealth, I totally argee with it. If we are million A, but we didn't had a healthy body, we also can't enjoy our life. In my opinion, money was not everything because we didn't have money we can earned it, but health is everything because if we didn't have a healthy body,our life was without meaning , so we must had a healthy lifestyle.



Wednesday 12 October 2016

Reflection 2- Individual presentation : The importance of sleeping

Script of my individual  presentation :
          Nowadays, our life is so busy. We have many activities, many homework and many test in a day. Sometimes, because of many thing to do, we must sleep late at night. If we always sleep late at night, our health will be affect. Actually, sleeping plays an important role in good health and well - being throughout our life. Getting adequate sleep not only helps protect our mental health, but physically as well. In addition, to delivering a good performance in the day.

          In order to function efficiently, our brain has been working non-stop throughout the day. The only time our brain gets to rest is when we climb into ours beds and have a good night sleep. Thus, sleep is important as it helps prepare the brain to function properly for the next day, so we can learn and remember things more effectively.

          Sleep does not only give us the rest we need, but is also involved in healing and repairing our hearts and blood vessels. It is reported that ongoing sleep dificiency is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and so on. So be sure to sleep for at least 8 hours a day.

           People who are sleep deprived have proven to be less productive at work or school, as they must take longer to finish their task. Their reaction time will be slower and thus making more mistakes. That is why sleep is important in our lives, even if it's just a short nap, the difference might be bigger than we expected.

My Reflection
          Senior 2 only had one individual presentation. Teacher let us chose whatever topic we wanted for this presentation. Because of this presentation, I found many different topic through google search , finally I decided ' The importance of sleeping ' as my presentation topic. I will choose it as my presentation topic because I thinked this topic is suitable for me. I was a person who always sleep late at night, so I thinked this topic is very important for me. Through searching the information and  after presenting, I was very shocked because I only realized that sleeping was so important for us. I also very scared because I realized that  always sleep late at night will brought so many negatif effects for us. After this presentation, I told to myself I must sleep early everyday , cannot always  sleep late at night like before.  This presentation let me learnt how to be confident when presenting  and also let me gain many knowledge about the important of sleeping.
                                Some quotes about sleeping:
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